Since 2014 Cruisefire has been organising some rare and exclusive car tours through the Alps, one of the last in 2017 was in April and all the cars were going to Italy to experience first-hand what the Brescia event was all about.
Leading the way was Marco (pictured above), creator of Cruisefire, at his second attendance of an official C&C event: he’d been in Lugano in 2016 and something caught his eye.
«I’d been running my tours for three years then and when I met the guys at Cars & Coffee, Francesco Canta and Emil Ronhaar, I immediately knew that there was a huge potential in home region for something like that».
Marco, what did strike you during your C&C attendance both in Lugano and Brescia?
«In the past few years, I have gathered some knowledge when organizing an automotive event, my Cruisefire tours might be different but we all face the same problems, the same environment. What did really strike me was the consistent style of the events, the atmosphere that I felt was really something fresh and I loved it instantly.
It is exactly that that I want to bring to my first event in Munich on July 2nd, a meeting of kindred spirits in a friendly and comfortable environment: we have some stunning venues here in Bavaria and we accurately chose the ones that we believe perfect for both the private session of the event and the public afternoon attendance, in true Cars & Coffee Style».
You mentioned style to what degree do you think this is part of the Cars & Coffee brand?
«It’s not just the love of cars that makes an event successful, it’s the people and how you arrange for them to meet. Being with Cars & Coffee gives me the credibility of the brand, established in years of experience and tens of events, and the possibility to reach even more people through the platform and social media (on top of my contacts): in a few days on July 2nd we’ll be able to provide the people in the area with a really stunning experience».